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when your purchase is complete you will be taken to the download page where you can download your copy of the eBook
AND you will be able to purchase your 6 month online training plan sent to you daily for 50% of the regular price!
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What you will receive!

  • a comprehensive guide to riding your first gran fondo
  • 6 months of training plans
  • how to prepare safely and easily
  • how to choose a bike
  • what to eat for a big ride
  • what to wear for riding comfort and safety
  • All you need to enjoy your first big ride and have fun.

Ride your First Gran Fondo - eBook

By Shayla Roberts, BHK, CSCS Peak Performance Coach and Cyclist
105 pages with  6 months of training included. 
Chapters include: Get Started, Ten Tips for Success, All About Bikes, Getting Your Bike Ready, On The Bike and On The Road, The Science of Training, Cross Training, Food For Cyclists, Recovery Fuel, Cycling Injuries and The Big Event.
This eBook is full of information on:
Training and Nutrition. Bike tips. Riding techniques.

Our clients include:

  • Royal Bank of Canada
    Training team coach for RBC Gran Fondo Whistler, Kelowna, Banff
  • Fit FX Studio
    Owner and Cycling Coach
    Indoor Cycling Instructor and Triathlon Coach

Gran Fondo: a long-distance road cycling event in which a large number of cyclists ride a marked route.

Client testimonial

Hey Shayla from Steve,

Just wanted to thank you again for the all the great training rides with the RBC training team during the summer. And thanks for teaching me the ins and outs of road biking. I'm sure your teachings will serve me well going forward."

Hi Shayla from Derek,

I never had a chance to thank you for all the training for the grand fondo. I really enjoyed the race in a large part due to the training from you which made it that much easier. I found the race a lot easier than my original expectation although the last few hills were getting tough and I couldn’t push myself to get under 5 hours.
Thanks again and hope to see you again soon."

Elizabeth writes ,

The race yesterday was AWESOME,fantastic...OMG I had a great time, I swear I was 'high' for hours and hours after. The weather was DISGUSTING...can you say RAIN..can you say POURING BUCKETs and that would be HUGE buckets...and I loved everything..."

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Buy now and get 50% off your own online training program.

Click on the button below and purchase the book either through your PayPal account or your credit card
when your purchase is complete you will be taken to the download page where you can download your copy of the eBook
AND you will be able to purchase your 6 month online training plan sent to you daily for 50% of the regular price!